Book your booth for the 20th anniversary of the GasSuf 2022 international exhibition of gas filling

Press release

Book your stand now for GasSuf from 25th to 27th October 2022. This is the main business platform for producers and suppliers of LPG and CNG filling equipment in Russia. You're guaranteed to get new business partners, exchange experiences, acquire relevant knowledge, discuss complex issues and prospects of development of the NGV industry and the use of NGVs. Over 1,500 target visitors from 64 regions of Russia visit the exhibition annually.

Book your booth for the 20th anniversary of the GasSuf 2022 international exhibition of gas filling and CNG equipment!

In October Crocus Expo will become the venue for the exhibition, where Russian and foreign manufacturers and suppliers of NGV equipment and components, equipment and ready-made solutions for CNG filling stations and gas filling stations, mobile NGV filling stations, commercial and passenger vehicles on gas motor fuel, electronics for NGV equipment and vehicles on gas motor fuel will take part.

Visitor audience at GasSuf
1,178 target professionals from 64 regions of Russia and 10 foreign countries visited GasSuf 2021, an increase of 8% compared to 2020.

96% – influenced purchasing decisions for the products displayed at GasSuf
58% – of them are going to buy gas filling equipment and vehicles on gas motor fuel after visiting GasSuf exhibition
74% – visit only GasSuf among similar exhibitions in Russia
54% – visited GasSuf exhibition for the first time in 2021

The GasSuf exhibition is distinguished by the representative composition of the visitors: over 75% are top managers - executives and deputy executives of such companies as: LUKOIL, NOVATEK, Gazprom Promgaz, TOYOTA, UMATEX, AutocentreGAZ-Leader, ALROSA, Cryogas, Mosoblgas, Gazoil, Trading House Neftmagistral, Group of companies KRONOS, IVECO, Scania-Rus, Leroy Merlin, Inter RAO-Engineering, Yamal LNG, Gazprom Pererabotka Blagoveshchensk, Logistik-M, Lipetsk Bus Lines, NewMoscowBus, Panasonic Rus, CMK-Energo, Nizhnevolzhsk Fuel Company, Armavir Gas Filling Station, Serebryansky Cement Plant, Samara Gas Company, GBO Academy, Votkinsky Plant, Rostselmash Combine Plant, Volga, YarAvtoGazService, Borets, Kamaz-Autosport, Teplo Electro Technologies, Yugorsk Machine Building Plant and many others.

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New opportunities at GasSuf 2022
Preparations for GasSuf 2022 are in full swing. This year it is expected to expand the geography of the exhibiting companies - the interest of foreign participants in the GasSuf exhibition and the Russian NGV market was also demonstrated in 2021, where companies from 7 countries took part in the exposition: Russia, Great Britain, Italy, China, the Republic of Korea, the USA and Uzbekistan.

In honor of GasSuf's 20th anniversary in 2022, the event team together with Project Flight will produce a series of interviews on YouTube channel dedicated to the gas motor industry. The exclusive offer of free participation in this interview series is valid only for GasSuf 2022 exhibitors. The format of the feed is – an actual conversation between the editor-in-chief and a representative of a company in the gas-engine industry. The series of interviews will discuss the industry's most pressing issues: new transportation corridors, legislative initiatives, the economics of vehicles and businesses, the prospects for natural gas vehicles in Russia and much more.

Taking part in GasSuf 2022 is an effective way to meet your key business objectives:

  • Present your products to a large number of target audience
  • To conduct negotiations with persons interested in purchasing gas-fueled vehicles, gas filling and dispensing equipment for methane and propane-butane
  • To find new clients and expand sales geography
  • Increase brand awareness and get feedback from potential customers

Benefits of exhibiting

Book a stand

The exhibition will include the traditional specialized Forum NGV Transport, which was highly appreciated by the visitor audience and serves as the main source of information and a venue for discussions between specialists in the gas filling and gas filling industry. For the first time in 2021, the following topics were accepted for discussion: financial instruments of NGV market development and the use of hydrogen as motor fuel. In 2022 it is planned to expand the topics of the business program in terms of LNG and hydrogen application in commercial transportation.

You can be an exhibitor now and promote your brand and get more attention for your company by maximising the commercial potential of GasSuf 2022. Find out more by booking a stand>>

To make your participation in GasSuf 2022 even more effective we offer you sponsorship opportunities that will enable your company to stand out from the competition and bring your products to the attention of potential customers.

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