27 June 2023 News Exclusive importer in Russia and CIS of Smart equipment of Vikars brand for diesel and petrol engines and Pars MCS metal cylinders - Type I(CNG-1). The company supplies to Russia and CIS countries Smart equipment of Vikars trademark for installation on passenger, commercial, passenger vehicles and special equipment (tractors, dump trucks, tractors, etc.), when converting diesel and gasoline engines to use compressed natural gas methane (CNG) and liquefied petroleum gas propane (LPG) as motor fuel. Since 2018, AntGroup-GBO LLC has been the exclusive importer of seamless Type I (CNG-1) metal cylinders manufactured by Pars MCS of Iran. Why is it profitable to use alternative fuel? 1. More reliable than . 2. safer 3. Cheaper The SBS system is more technologically advanced than its gasoline counterparts. The high pressure in the system dictates the highest design standards. More than 23 million cars around the world use gas as a fuel. In Russia this is developing and by 2020 over 17% of new cars will be running on gas. The GasSuf exhibition will take place at Crocus Expo International Exhibition Centre from 24 to 26 October 2023 and will showcase NGVs, CNG fuelling equipment and vehicles. Book a stand