The Ministry of Industry and Trade is putting pressure on gas: in Russia they have become disillusio


The rhetoric of the Russian government regarding the introduction of electric cars in the country has changed: if earlier they were in priority, as in many other countries, now officials do not see economic sense in this.


The Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, Alexander Morozov, questioned the immediate prospects for the widespread introduction of electric cars in Russia, calling first of all to develop the production of transport using natural gas, since it is 30% less energy-intensive.

The introduction of electric cars on the agenda of the Russian government initially appeared with the filing of the Russian office of the American consulting agency McKinsey, which in 2018 developed for the government the “Strategy for the development of the automotive industry in Russia until 2025”.

According to Sergey Burgazliev, an independent automotive industry consultant, the Americans simply copied a part of their developments for European and American customers into the Russian strategy, disregarding Russian specifics. That is why electric cars appeared in the rhetoric of the government.


We invite you to visit the GasSuf exhibition from October 22 to October 24 in Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center.

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22 October  10.00 — 18.00

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23 October  10.00 — 18.00

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24 October  10.00 — 16.00


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